2011年10月20日 星期四

Mikko Hypponen: 打擊電腦病毒,捍衛網路安全 video on TED

看過世界上第一個電腦病毒C-Brain 嗎?這段影片不但秀出這個病毒,也採訪到這個病毒的撰寫人,也介紹其他病毒發作的情形,頗值一看...
Mikko Hypponen: 打擊電腦病毒,捍衛網路安全  video on TED

看看一個美國老師分享在三所學校教學的經驗...Video on TED.com


2011年10月9日 星期日

Stay hungry , stay foolish 到底如何翻譯?

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish 已有許多中文翻譯版本,大多翻譯為飢渴求知,虛懷若愚,Jamie 有不同的看法,頗值一讀...


請參看:  http://mrjamie.cc/2011/09/16/stay-hungry-stay-foolish/

Think Different -1997年Apple廣告,Steve Jobs 親自配音

1997年蘋果公司推出一支廣告:Think Different,令人深思...





Stay hungry , stay foolish -2005 Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs 2005年受邀在史丹佛大學畢業典禮上向畢業生致詞,當時他被診斷出胰臟癌,經過治療後復出。雖然2011年10月5日仍然不敵病魔,可是在這借來的6年生命中,他發出的光亮照耀世界,甚至改變世界。回首來看2005年他在史丹佛大學的演講,彌足珍貴,雖然早已在Youtube上看過完整演講,現在蘋果日報將該段演講翻譯成中文字幕,也有英文字幕版,謹此轉載,向不世出的天才致最高的敬意,也希望得到啓發...

中文版 http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/33721932/IssueID/20111007
英文版 http://tw.nextmedia.com/applenews/article/art_id/33721937/IssueID/20111007

2011年10月6日 星期四

向不世出的天才 Steve Jobs 致最後的敬意

Steve Jobs 1955-2011(圖片取自 www.apple.com.tw 網站)
雖然早知這一天即將來到,仍不免心中惆悵。網路流傳影響世界的3顆蘋果(一說4個蘋果),分別是亞當夏娃的蘋果,牛頓的蘋果,以及Steve Jobs 的蘋果。前兩顆未能躬逢其盛,第三顆則是在個人成長過程中,看著它在Steve Jobs 照料下從誕生到茁壯,也看著Steve Jobs從一頭濃髮的帥哥變成與史恩康那來並駕齊驅的性格模樣,一路走來,精彩如一。
在教學過程中,常以蘋果公司的案例當作教材,也以其精彩絕倫的簡報與行銷手法與對美學的要求當作典範,更以其多采多姿的生涯激勵學生。今日,Steve Jobs 人生劃上句點,留給世人評價多矣,謹此,引用 一些名人對其的評價,向不世出的天才 Steve Jobs致敬:

(以下資料來源 Morgan Stanley - Ten Questions Internet Execs Should Ask & Answer
November 16, 2010  Web 2.0 Summit – San Francisco, CA)

Steve Jobs – ‘…mind of an engineer and the heart of an artist…’

Larry Ellison (June 2004): Steve Jobs is the most brilliant person in our industry, and what is most remarkable about Steve, I think, is his incredible aesthetic sense. He has the mind of an engineer and the heart of an artist —that's a very unusual combination, an enormous advantage when you do consumer products. Look at the iPod...I think the iPod is a beautiful design and I think the iMac is a brilliant design. He's done a tremendous amount of innovation on the integration of hardware design and software design.

Bill Gates (May 2007): …We build the products that we want to use ourselves. And so he’s [Steve Jobs] really pursued that with incredible taste and elegance that has had a huge impact on the industry. And his ability to always come around and figure out where that next bet should be has been phenomenal. Apple literally was failing when Steve went back and re-infused the innovation and risk- taking that have been phenomenal.
